Stoner’s Survivors Guide: How To Survive The Next Big Storm

Green Blazer takes the storm

It’s the beginning of hurricane and winter storm season all along the East coast and the best and brightest are doing what they need to do: either evacuating where doing so is possible, or sheltering in high ground as needed. Staying calm, collected, and hitting those buds at the hurricane party while plotting your next move in the name of science is vital to keeping those nerves down. So what do you do with your greens and your other precious goods when the storm heads your way? Green Blazer has the important words of survival to keep you warm and dry!

Stay Stocked

Weed and food stock

Make sure you’ve got plenty of your basic needs covered to get you through a few days time in case you lose access to running water or electricity or your local budtender. Gallons of fresh water and a back up generator can get you through a long way, but also make sure you have a way of contacting your loved ones or neighbors if things start to deteriorate. How well do you know your neighbors? Where do you nearest family members, or chosen family members for that matter, live?

Making sure you have an ample supply of canned or non-perishable goods that can be stored in a dry, accessible area is just as important as knowing where your nearest trusted contacts are - that way, if your food or water or weed stash becomes compromised, you know where to head to next. 

And as for your lovely little nest egg of dank kush, make sure it’s somewhere waterproof, please! There will be no joy in waking up to a crisis of global magnitude only to find that the cherry on top is you are also dealing with moldy weed. You have to make it through a storm here!   

Know When To Leave

Let’s get the fuck out of here

If the forces that be tell you it’s time to leave and you have the ability to do so, take them up on the offer! Now you might say, like many others: where do I go? That’s a good question for the folks that told you it’s time to evacuate. Any exit strategy will need to include your pets, your loved ones, and potentially your stoner buddies. Pack up the car or find the bus taking people to the nearest exit and hope for the best. If you’re stressing, again, remember to take a smoke break and reconvene to do what you need to do. Through weed all things can be done, so it says in the book of stoner, verse 4:20. Your stash will be there when you need it most.

Keep Yourself Well Rested

Dream a little dream of weed

No matter how stressful or insane the storm seems to you, remember that it a sense of rest and a little bit of “me” time can always turn the worst seeming seeming scenario around. You can’t tackle anything if you’re not well-rested. A wise man once said, if you lose your cool, that’s like, not cool bro. I think it was Dante probably. 

Anyway, the point being, things in a storm can change quickly, and what seems like a scary situation is better handled when you give yourself little breaks to connect with those around you, rest, eat, roll a joint, tell a joke, breathe, nap, than just running on empty. Don’t forget to look after yourself and those closest to you and again, always look for uh, high ground. 

To survive this and other incredible and less urgent disasters, comment with your must-learn scenarios below and you might win some free swag! We’d love to hear it at Green Blazer, as we are purveyor of fine smoke-related product, especially rolling paper and cones.