When Were Rolling Papers Invented?

One of the simplest and most common ways to use cannabis is to smoke it. In order to do that, rolling papers are required to make a cannabis cigarette, or a joint as it is more commonly known. Today there are many different types of rolling papers made of a variety of materials.
Long before products such as raw pre rolled cones, people had to roll their own cigarettes and joints. When were rolling papers invented? The history is quite interesting.
Early Rolling Papers
As far as modern historical records go, rolling papers may have been invented sometime during the 1500s. There is not a definite date or a person who can be credited with the invention, but it may have started in France. The first record of manufactured rolling papers was in the 1560s by the Mauduit mill in Quimperle, France.
The first well-known brand of rolling papers was created by the Lacroix family in 1660. As the story goes, Pierre Lacroix traded rolling papers for a bottle of champagne in 1532, which helped him realize their value. Over time the family developed the product and turned it into a lucrative business. In 1736 the Lacroix Rolling Paper Company was founded. The first major customer was Napoleon, who contracted the company to make rolling papers for his soldiers.
Continued Development
The Lecroix family continued to manufacture rolling papers for centuries. In 1865 the formula was changed to rice paper and the name was changed to RizLa. By 1900 the product had traveled throughout Europe and eventually reached America. In 1942 the Lecroix family patented a method for sealing the rolling papers with a natural gum adhesive. The company remained exclusively family owned until 1978 when it was sold to Fernand Penblanc.
The Invention of the Cigarette Rolling Machine
Another major accomplishment by the Lecroix family was the invention of the cigarette rolling machine in 1883. This increased the demand for rolling papers and furthered the success of the company. The design is still used today in modern rolling machines.
Other Early Manufacturers of Rolling Papers
In 1703 Spain officially entered the rolling paper industry. Pay-Pay is a company in Alcoy, Spain that still makes rolling papers to this day. It is considered one of the oldest rolling paper manufacturers in the world. Bambu is another Spanish-based rolling paper company that dates back to 1764.
Canada, Turkey, and China were the next countries to start making their own rolling papers. The industry became much more widespread, which meant that a wider variety of rolling paper types and materials became available.
What Are Rolling Papers Made of Today?
The rolling papers used today are made of pulp, hemp, rice, and flax, or any combination of these materials. Some papers are designed to be fast burning and others more slow burning depending on your preferences and fillers.
The Convenience of Pre Rolled Cones
Skip the hassle of rolling your own joints and purchase raw pre rolled cones from Green Blazer. Our cones are ready to smoke with no need for any machines or supplies. They are always 100% GMO-free and made with an eco-friendly process.
Browse our online catalog to order. Call 702-509-6042 or contact us for assistance.